Adult Safeguarding Hub
The Brighton and Hove Safeguarding Adults Board want to publicise that Brighton and Hove City Council’s Health and Adult Social Care (HASC) Directorate have set-up a new Adults Safeguarding team, which will start from Monday 18th May.
Safeguarding adults remains a statutory duty and The Coronavirus Act 2020 does not affect the safeguarding protections in the Care Act, particularly at Section 42 of the Care Act.
It is vital that Brighton and Hove City Council continues to offer the same level of safeguarding oversight and application of Section 42. In order to ensure that this is conducted proportionately, consistently and with the correct level of professional oversight a temporary dedicated Adults Safeguarding hub has been established.
The Adults Safeguarding Hub commences on Monday 18th May and can be reached at Online reporting can be completed at
Essentially all safeguarding concerns in regard to adults with care and support needs arising from physical impairment, illness and/or injury will be dealt with at the Adults Safeguarding Hub.
The Adults Safeguarding Hub will accept referrals from the community and hospitals within Brighton and Hove. The Adults Safeguarding Hub will not be undertaking adult safeguarding work with service users who have a diagnosed learning disability or service users who are receiving statutory mental health service provision, this work will continue to be redirected to the appropriate team. The Adults Safeguarding Hub will initially be in place for a 3 month period and will be reviewed in mid-July ’20.
Please be assured that in the interim until all partner organisations are reporting concerns directly to the Adults Safeguarding Hub, that any concerns of this nature received via the Access Point will be redirected.
The Operational Managers of the Safeguarding Hub are:
James Arrowsmith
Liam Sargent