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Policy & Procedures


Visit the new specific Sussex Safeguarding Adult Policy and Procedures website at – Home | Sussex Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures

This Policy and Procedures replaces edition 3 published July 2016.

The Policy sets out the approach taken to adult safeguarding across Sussex.  The Procedures explain how agencies and individuals should work together to put the Sussex Safeguarding Adults Policy into practice.  They have been updated in accordance with the Care Act 2014 and the Care and Support Statutory Guidance, and should be read in conjunction with these.  The update has taken into account lessons learnt from Safeguarding Adults Reviews, audits and practice.

These Procedures represent the standards for good practice in adult safeguarding in Sussex and have been endorsed by Brighton & Hove, East Sussex and West Sussex Safeguarding Adults Boards.

Our thanks to all those who have contributed their expertise and time in the production of this Policy and Procedures, and all who made comments and gave feedback during the consultation process.

Learn more about the Sussex Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures here.