Learning Briefings
The purpose of Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SARs) is to consider how partner agencies worked together in situations in which an adult who has experienced abuse or neglect (including death by suicide) has died or experienced serious harm. They should consider the effectiveness of current adult safeguarding arrangements, learn lessons from what occurred and make recommendations as to future arrangements.
A SAR learning briefing has been produced to support practitioners to understand the criteria and outline the process for raising a SAR referral. The BHSAB has published three SARs along with an accompanying learning briefing, which you can read below.
The importance of professional curiosity has been highlighted in many reviews, most recently in SAR James published by the BHSAB.
Nurturing professional curiosity is a fundamental aspect of keeping people safe from harm and this learning briefing has been developed to support good practice in this area.
You can also listen to a podcast the BHSAB have produced with support from our multi-agency partners on Professional Curiosity, available on our Podcasts & Videos page
This learning briefing summarises the key learning from a multi-agency involvement in safeguarding audit carried out jointly with the East Sussex Safeguarding Adults Board in February 2020.
It contains information about exemplary practice identified in the audit, the key factors in good agency working and links to further resources for professionals.
Making Safeguarding Personal (MSP) is a key element of adult safeguarding. This learning briefing has been developed to support professionals in understanding what is meant by MSP, how to apply it in safeguarding situations with links to additional resources.
The Brighton & Hove SAB produced a learning briefing to summarise the learning from a multi-agency audit on the application of the Mental Capacity Act. It identifies good practice and areas for development as well as the importance of record keeping, decision-specific assessments and the role of advocacy. There are also links to further resources for professionals.
The Brighton & Hove SAB have produced a learning briefing to support the publication of the Pan Sussex SAB Safeguarding Adults Threshold Guidance. This enables professionals and agencies to identify abuse and neglect and raise safeguarding concerns appropriately as well as alternative actions that can be considered if the thresholds are not considered to be met.
The Brighton and Hove SAB produced a learning briefing to support the Sussex Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures chapter on self-neglect being updated. This chapter sets out a framework for collaborative multi-agency working within Sussex to provide a clear pathway for all agencies to follow when working with adults who are self-neglecting. The procedures are to assist professionals from any agency who are working with and supporting an adult who is displaying self-neglecting behaviours.
The Brighton and Hove SAB produced a learning briefing to summarise the learning from a multi-agency audit to examine safeguarding responses to adults who had experienced sexual assault or abuse. It identifies good practice and areas for development as well as the importance of risk assessment, making safeguarding personal and a trauma informed approach. It also identifies a range of specialist services and further resources professionals should consider in supporting people who have experienced sexual assault or abuse.
The Brighton and Hove SAB produced a learning briefing to summarise the learning from a multi-agency audit undertaken to consider how a number of people identified to be self-neglecting and not engaging in support being offered. With this being an area of learning previously identified in SAR X the audit reviewed the changes that have been embedded in practice since then.
It identifies characteristics of exemplary practice, areas professionals should consider in working with people who are not engaging as well as discussion points and further resources.
The Brighton and Hove SAB produced a learning briefing to summarise the learning from a multi-agency audit undertaken to consider the services and interventions provided to four people who were actively homeless.
It identified a number of findings including the importance of multi-agency working arrangements and information sharing, the need to utilise self-neglect procedures and the challenges in supporting people with complex needs. There are also links to further resources for professionals.