Podcasts & Videos
As we continue to develop our resources to support professionals involved in adult safeguarding the BHSAB is producing, and sharing, a range of additional learning resources that you can access here.
Professional Curiosity
The importance of professional curiosity has been highlighted in many reviews, most recently in SAR James published by the BHSAB.
Nurturing professional curiosity is a fundamental aspect of keeping people safe from harm and thisĀ podcast has been developed to support good practice in this area.
You can find the accompanying learning briefing on our learning briefings page.
Making Safeguarding Personal
Making Safeguarding Personal is a key element in adult safeguarding and the importance of this is regularly highlighted in reviews that have been undertaken. This 7 minute podcast offers tips on how to put this into practice as well as signposting on where to find further information and guidance on this subject.
Modern Slavery
This 8 minute podcast provides a summary of different types of exploitation as well as the common themes frequently identified in Brighton and Hove. There are also tips on what to look for and what to do if you suspect someone is a victim of Modern Slavery.
‘Tricky Friends’
‘Tricky Friends’ is a short animation developed to help people to understand what good friendships are, when they might be harmful, and what they can do. A signed version is also available on youtube (link).
This animation was originally developed by Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board, who have kindly allowed Brighton & Hove Safeguarding Adults Board to adapt a local version with relevant contact details.
Shared Learning from Safeguarding Adult Reviews
A number of similar themes are identified in Safeguarding Adult Reviews that are undertaken. The three Sussex Safeguarding Adult Boards have worked together to produce a 12-minute podcast that identifies four shared themes from reviews undertaken across Sussex as well as some of the actions that have been undertaken in response.
These four themes are – Mental Capacity, Making Safeguarding Personal, Application of Safeguarding processes, and Multi-agency information sharing and communication.
You can also access the script for this podcast.
‘Hidden Harms’
‘Hidden Harms’ is a short animation developed to highlight the unique challenges that older adults face when domestic abuse occurs.
Based on theĀ power and control wheel as adapted by Dewis Choice, the aim of this short animation is to be a tool to help support the identification of domestic abuse. It highlights the different forms this can take, such as intimidation, isolation, or threatening and coercing behaviour, and provides guidance on how to seek support locally.
This animation was originally developed by Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board, who have kindly allowed Brighton & Hove Safeguarding Adults Board to adapt a local version with relevant contact details.