Issues of exploitation to be aware of:
Protect yourself from Coronavirus fraud
National Trading Standards and Friends Against Scams are warning people to remain vigilant following a rise in coronavirus-related scams that seek to benefit from the public’s concern and uncertainty over COVID-19. They have also documented Coronavirus related scams, and produced a poster to raise awareness which can be found here.
To protect yourself and your family please protect yourself and don’t let fraudsters try to lure you in with offers that look too good to be true. The advice is simple, think very carefully before you hand over your money, and don’t give out your personal details unless you are sure who you are dealing with. Communities are also being urged to look out for signs of neighbours being targeted by doorstep criminals.
Coronavirus and Domestic Abuse / Violence
Whilst the Coronavirus situation is a worrying time for us all, this is particularly the case for adults and children living with domestic violence, in terms of escalating risks of abuse and serious harm and the feeling that they are trapped. The guidance below is designed to help in providing advice and support to keep safe as well as phone lines you can call if you are worried. Don’t forget though that, if you or someone you live with has been, or you think might be, harmed call the police on 101 or, in an emergency 999.
It is important to know that you are not alone. Even if you are unable to leave your home at the moment, you can still access support in a number of ways:
- Information about support for those experiencing domestic and sexual violence from Safe in the City
- Safelives have produced a guide for staying safe during COVID-19 for victims and survivors.
- Surviving Economic Abuse have produced guidance on economic abuse while self-isolating, as well as practical issues including benefits and sick pay.
- The Home Office has produced guidance around support for victims of domestic abuse, which is kept up to date here.
- The Government has also published COVID-19 guidance for domestic abuse safe accommodation provision.
#YouAreNotAlone Campaign
The Government have launched a new public awareness campaign highlighting the help that is available to anyone that is at risk of, or experiencing, domestic abuse. Using the hashtag #YouAreNotAlone the campaign is seeking to make people aware that support services remain available for those affected by domestic abuse during this challenging time for everyone.
Carers and Domestic Abuse / Violence
It is also important to consider unpaid carers in the context of domestic violence and abuse, in terms of the potential additional tensions that may arise in caring situations. Whilst it might not be possible to access respite, it is vital that carers and cared-for alike – where they can – use other means such as telephone calls, Facetime etc. to connect with others. You are not alone and the services that are here to help are still here, even if the way they provide that support may be different from normal.
- Carers UK have information and guidance specifically developed for carers in response to queries about coronavirus, which is available on their website.
Social Distancing and Isolation for Older People
As Coronavirus spreads across the UK it will be harder for older people to maintain social connections. Useful advice has been provided by the Campaign to End Loneliness.
The Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board (NSAB) have also produced some helpful guidance for professionals when someone is not following the guidelines on social distancing or self-isolating, which can be found here.