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COVID-19 Message from Independent Chair

Date: Friday, 03rd Apr 2020 | Category: Covid-19

Message from Graham Bartlett, Independent Chair of the Brighton and Hove Safeguarding Adults Board

Covid-19 (26 March 2020)

Dear all,

In response to the situation concerning Covid-19 and recent advice published by the government, the Brighton and Hove SAB have taken the decision to cancel SAB meetings until at least the end of June 2020 except for the SAR Subgroup, which will be managed on a virtual basis.

The work of the SAB and delivering the objectives in our Strategic Plan is very important but we recognise that in such unprecedented circumstances other urgent priorities must be the focus.  A key role of the SAB at this time, therefore, will be around how we can support our Board networks and members, many of whom provide frontline services in being able to focus on current demands.

We will also work to share information about any areas of emerging societal or safeguarding issues that may be occurring as a direct result of Covid-19 and support agencies in being alert to this.  We will be holding weekly virtual meetings to ensure any issues are understood and responded to.

Our aim is to be supportive of the work of our government and national bodies such as NHS England, the Department of Health and Social Care and the Office of Public Guardianship.  We will promote relevant guidance and key safeguarding messages where we can and ask all agencies to recognise and respond to potential additional safeguarding demands arising from the pandemic.

Please check the website regularly where important notices and updates will be posted.

Please also continue to raise safeguarding concerns via Health and Adult Social Care and in these difficult and challenging times, please remain vigilant to those vulnerable people who may be at particular risk.

Thank you for your understanding and support.

If you have any questions, please contact us at