Thresholds Guidance
This Sussex Safeguarding Adults Thresholds guidance is designed to support professionals, partner agencies and providers working with adults who have care and support needs to identify and report safeguarding concerns when appropriate to do so.
It provides a framework for multi-agency partners to manage risk and to assist in identifying whether abuse and or neglect is taking place, in which case a safeguarding concern needs to be referred to the local authority – or if not, alternative actions that should be considered.
It is not a substitute for internal agency policies and processes and should be used alongside these as well as in conjunction with the Sussex Safeguarding Policy and Procedures.
If you are concerned about an adult in Brighton and Hove experiencing ,or at risk of, abuse and neglect: Help for an adult at risk of abuse or neglect (
If you would like to request information, advice, assessment or support for an adult in Brighton and Hove who appears to have care and support needs: Adult Social Care hub (
If you have concerns about an adult in Brighton and Hove expressing suicidal ideation: Help in a mental health emergency (