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Multi-Agency Risk Management (MARM) Framework

The Brighton and Hove Multi-Agency Risk Management (MARM) framework is designed to provide guidance for professionals working with adults in which there is a high level of risk, and despite engagement having taken place and the use of existing single agency and multi-agency pathways and processes this risk is not reducing. This may include individuals with multiple, compound needs and some of those who are transitioning from children to adult services.

The Brighton & Hove MARM framework is led by the local authority, and MARM meetings will be held virtually on a monthly basis. These are reflective, professional forums that utilise a person centred, strengths-based approach in responding to the person’s circumstances and risks.

It is essential that the views and wishes of the person are presented to the MARM Meeting but they themselves will not attend. However, evidence must be presented demonstrating how their views have been incorporated.

The MARM Framework will operate according to anti-discriminatory principles and be anti-racist.


The Terms of Reference for the Brighton & Hove MARM set out the purpose of the MARM, specific needs or situations that may lead to a MARM referral needing to be made, and information regarding the MARM meeting process.

The MARM Terms of Reference should be read before a referral is submitted and you can find them here

MARM Terms of Reference

Specific guidance has been produced to support when the MARM framework should be used.

It is important to note that the MARM framework does not replace any existing single agency risk management arrangements or multi-agency case discussion processes, such as multi-disciplinary team (MDT) or multi-agency meetings (MDM), multi-agency risk assessment conferences (MARAC), multi-agency public protection assessments (MAPPA), etc. It instead seeks to support case discussion where no relevant multi-agency case discussion and risk management process exists.

The MARM Guidance should be read in conjunction with the Sussex Safeguarding Adults Policy and Procedures. and the Sussex SAB Safeguarding Thresholds Guidance Sussex Safeguarding Adults Threshold Guidance should also be used to identify whether adult safeguarding processes need to be considered instead of a MARM referral.

The MARM guidance can be found here

MARM Guidance

Before a MARM referral is submitted the referring organisation should ensure that the eligibility criteria below has been met:

  • High level of concern and risk of death or serious harm
  • Care Act Assessment is complete including a clear formulation of risk
  • Or, where an assessment could not be completed but the Local Authority is enacting its duties under S11 Care Act
  • The person has an allocated keyworker or professional
  • All other practice support has been exhausted
  • A multi-agency meeting has been convened or attempts have been made to convene
  • A multi-agency plan has been formulated and tested

The referral must be signed off by a senior manager within the referring organization, who should submit a completed MARM referral form along with any other relevant documentation, such as care plans and risk assessments, to the MARM inbox.

Referrals will be reviewed and triaged by the local authority within five working days. This process will involve a discussion with the referring agency and an exploration of next steps.

When a referral has been found to require a MARM Meeting the Local Authority are responsible for scheduling this meeting and making the necessary arrangements.

The MARM Referral form can be found here

MARM Referral Form