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Making Safeguarding Personal

Making Safeguarding Personal (MSP) is about developing a safeguarding culture that is person-led and outcome-focused.

It is vital that people are recognised as the experts on their own lives and professionals and agencies engage effectively and work alongside them in determining how best to respond to safeguarding concerns.

A Making Safeguarding Personal approach should enhance the person’s involvement, choice and control as well as improving quality of life, wellbeing, and safety. It aims to facilitate a shift in emphasis in safeguarding from undertaking a process to a commitment to improving outcomes alongside people experiencing abuse or neglect.

MSP aims to facilitate a shift in safeguarding from undertaking a process to a commitment to improving outcomes alongside people experiencing abuse or neglect.


There is a range of local and national resources and further guidance available to support implementing Making Safeguarding Personal in practice that can be accessed through the links below.

Making Safeguarding Personal LGA Toolkit

Making Safeguarding Personal LGA case studies

Making Safeguarding Personal LGA Guidance

Making Safeguarding Personal SCIE Guidance

If you are concerned about an adult in Brighton and Hove at risk of abuse or neglect you can report a safeguarding concern at



or phone 01273 295555.

If you feel that somebody is at immediate risk of harm and that it is an emergency, call 999.